Launching Bella + Day!!
Let’s be real.
Real estate agents can get a bad rap.
I have been doing this long enough that I agree-some are definitely justified! From the moment I got into this business, I always wanted to do more than the process of real estate, but to help others and grow community.
And then, 2020. Wow, I have seen a lot of things transpire in many different ways in this space. Good and bad!
Perfect time to turn my passion, into a reality.
Today, is the beginning of this journey. Today, I am launching Bella + Day.
Now, this is a work in progress and many changes are coming. (Some are Super Cool). In the meantime…
What does the name mean?
Meet Dayrelis.
A lot of life has thrown me some serious curve balls. Most, showed me some serious humility. Even getting into this business was a large part of a curve ball. The thing that has changed me the most, is Dayrelis.
I think there is a pivitol point in each of our lives that changes us, through and through. For me, it was sponsoring and meeting Dayrelis. When I decided to start working with Compassion International, it was a time where money was tight and a major transition had occured. I felt it necessry to give back, even when it was hard. This program creates a solution for children to get out of poverty. It gives I signed up to take on her education, health and daily financial care. I also had the previlege of meeting her and seeing the educational program in which I was paying. I mean-how amazing! How humbling!
On my trips (I go back every year - well, when there isn’t a pandemic) I join a group called Amigos for Christ, where we help build bathrooms and bring clean water supply.
The people of Nicaragua have something I don’t see much of anymore. They are happy and content in a way I forgot. Dayrelis really has changed my life. This experience has made me a different person. What other name could there be than one that represents someone who inspires the world.
Below are some photos of Dayrelis and the projects I have worked on. As well as some of the kids from the village! I hope you enjoy!